Organisation Awards

Best Organisational Development and Change Strategy

Applications open until 25 August

Organisation Awards Background

Recognises initiatives or strategies which identify the optimal structure, function, and culture of an organisation, and enact development or change to achieve organisational objectives.


Business Strategist

Strategic and Leader Driven

How was the strategy/initiative actively supported by the board and/or senior leadership team and how does it align with desired business outcomes and strategy?

Culture Change Leader


How were employees and/or stakeholders engaged and empowered to contribute to the design, development, implementation and review of the strategy/initiative and how did the organisation ensure appropriate viewpoints were considered and included?

Expert Practitioner

Employee Belonging

What measures are in place to manage risk and prioritise safety and how does the initiative/strategy contribute to employees sense of belonging within the organsiation?

Organisational Enabler


In what ways does the initiative/strategy represent a new and creative approach to the challenge faced or goal set? Innovation may be represented by an approach which is new to the org size, sector, location, industry or a completed new approach not undertaken before.

Trusted Partner

Achieves outcomes

How has the initiative/strategy achieved the desired outcomes identified by the organisation? Please provide quantitative or tangible evidence of these outcomes.



How has the initiative/strategy successfully addressed the initial challenge faced/goal set and what positive impacts have their been for employees?


In what ways are these impacts and outcomes sustainable and replicable for the organisation and how can they be shared or implemented by other areas of the organisation, sector or industry. How will the impacts and outcomes be evaluated and assessed for continuous improvement?

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